Hey, what's up for today Neddy!
The Simpsons follows the satiric adventures of a dysfunctional working-class family in the fictional city of Springfield, situated somewhere in Middle America. As one of the longest-running animated shows, with a famously large main and supporting cast, The Simpsons has found its way into the hearts and memes of young and old alike.
We know how important it is to keep sock collections fresh and full of Pop Culture! These extra-warm fleece-lined socks are the perfect accessory to keep your toes toasty warm through winter. They're perfect for around the house too, with grip dots on the soles. Our socks are fully licensed and feature unique designs that are sure to impress all your friends and this is one pair you just can't miss.
Grab yours today!
- Colour: Green
- Material:
- Outer: Cotton/Polyester/Elastine
- Inner: 100% Polyester
Official The Simpsons licensed merchandise