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The Wizard of Oz - Wicked Witch Unisex T-Shirt

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You say wicked like it's a bad thing

Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz, and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others' wishes.

Now you can show your love for the Wicked Witch of the West in this t-shirt, which pays homage to the 1939 film. 100% cotton and skilfully crafted to give you the perfect Pop Culture look! Grab yours today.


  • Colour: Black with printed graphic
  • Material: 100% Cotton

Official The Wizard of Oz licensed merchandise

Franchise The Wizard of Oz Brand Movies Colour Black Green T-shirt type Unisex Category T-shirts Sku2002599
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