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Pokemon - Kanto Region Kids Basketball Jersey

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I choose you!

Perhaps Bulbasaur, the seed pokemon with a calm nature, is the one for you. Or maybe, you prefer Charmander, with a fiery tail and a personality to match. Or maybe Squirtle is more your type; with both jet stream and sass he can be a handful! Then again, perhaps you prefer a more, ahem, electrifying personality with Pikachu. So, who will you choose?

Stand out on the court or field with our range of pop culture sports Jerseys. Constructed of Polyester sports mesh and skilfully crafted to give you the perfect Pop Culture look!

Show your love for the Kanto Region starter Pokemon with this basketball jersey!

Grab yours today!


  • Size: One Size Fits Most
  • Colour: Blue with Yellow Trim
  • Material: Polyester sports mesh

Official Pokemon licensed merchandise

Franchise Pokemon Brand Pokemon Colour Blue Jersey type Basketball Category Jerseys Sku306329
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