Dragon, Dragon, Rock the Dragon!
A sequel to the Dragon Ball manga and Dragon Ball Z television series, Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of the protagonist Goku after defeating Majin Boo and bringing peace to Earth once again. Four years later, Goku attains the power of a god and faces more challenges. He defends the Earth against powerful destructive deities and travels to parallel universes to face more powerful opponents and nearly unstoppable foes. Dragon Ball Super reveals the events of the ten-year time skip following chapter 517 of the original manga.
The Saiyans attack at full impact with their space pod, now available as a model kit. The space pod has a super impressive size of approximately 13 cm in height and even comes with Vegeta at the time of attack!
The pod has the same scale as Figure-rise Standard so please enjoy and create the DBZ world with other Figure-rise characters. Its interior mecha structure is faithfully recreated with a highly detailed structure of the hatch door's movement and functionality as well as scale reproduction of the meters and seat.
- Spaceship body
- Fix-posed Vegeta (seated position)
- Display base
- Runner x9
- Sticker x1
- Instruction manual x1.
Official Dragon Ball licensed merchandise