Hero of the Hidden Leaf
Naruto: Shippuden is an anime that began in 2007 that was adapted from part 2 of the Naruto manga series. It continues the same storyline after the passing of two and a half years in the Naruto universe.
Kakashi Hatake from Naruto Shippuden returns to the S.H.Figuarts action-figure lineup from Bandai! The latest joint mechanisms make it possible for him to get into the "Raikiri" pose with great ease, as well as just about any other pose you can come up with, and facial parts for two different types of eyes are included - Sharin Eye and Mangekyou Sharin Eye! His favourite "Flirty Paradise" manga is also included, as is a part to reproduce the rare smile. Order him for your own collection today!
- Main figure
- Interchangeable head
- Interchangeable face parts (x5)
- Interchangeable hands (x6 left, x5 right)
- "Flirty Paradise" manga
- Size: 16cm tall approx
- Materials: PVC, ABS
Official Naruto Shippuden licensed merchandise