Death is not the end
Saint Seiya is a Japanese manga/anime that follows the story of five mystical warriors called the "Saints", who fight wearing sacred sets of armour named "Cloths", the designs of which derive from the various constellations the characters have adopted as their destined guardian symbols and empowered by a mystical energy called "Cosmo". The Saints have sworn to defend the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Athena in her battle against other Olympian gods, who want to dominate Earth.
Aries Mu is one of the twelve gold saints, and one of the bronze saint's most trusted allies. He is also known as Mu of Jamir, "the Cloth Blacksmith".
The Knights of the Zodiac Anime Heroes Action Figure line features your favourite characters from the Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac series.
- Highly detailed and poseable figures
- Accurately scaled, highly detailed
- Includes figure inspired accessories
- Size: 15.25cm tall approx
- Articulation: 16+ points
- Series: 1
Official Saint Seiya licensed merchandise