In the Beginning...
The Eternals are a race of immortal aliens from a distant planet who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago to protect humanity from a race of alien predators called Deviants. The Eternals were alerted to the Deviant threat by the Celestials, a race of cosmic builders whose fingerprints are on the very building blocks of life itself.
Moral, kind, and charismatic, Ikaris boasts incredible strength, flight, and the ability to project cosmic energy beams from his eyes. This 6" action figure features this fascinating Eternal.
Get yours today!
- 6 INCH SCALE MOVIE-INSPIRED IKARIS FIGURE: The Ikaris figure is inspired by The Eternals movie, part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- PREMIUM ARTICULATION AND DETAILING: The quality 6-inch Legends Series Ikaris figure features multiple points of articulation and is a great addition to any action figure collection.
- IMAGINE SAVING THE UNIVERSE WITH THE ETERNALS: Imagine Ikaris joining Thena, Phastos, Marvel’s Sersi, and the rest of the Eternals as they do battle against The Deviants.
- Size: 6" tall approx.
- Includes: Ikaris figure, 2 accessories, 1 Build-a-Figure part.
- Ages: 4+
- WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD Small parts may be generated. Not for children under 3 years.
Official Marvel merchandise