Digimon are the Champions
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters" is a Japanese media franchise encompassing virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films and a trading card game. The franchise focuses on Digimon creatures, which are monsters living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks. Created in 1997 as a series of virtual pets, the creatures were first designed to look cute and iconic even on the devices' small screens; later developments had them created with a harder-edged style influenced by American comics.
ShineGreymon from "Digimon Savers" joins the "Figure-rise Standard Amplified" model-kit series from Bandai! This light dragon-type Digimon features pull-out shoulder joints to expand the range of movement, enabling him to hold the Geo Gray Sword with both hands! A movable axis in the tip of each foot enables him to stand firmly; the armour behind the knees is linked to the legs for a greater range of motion. The enormous Geo Gray Sword features jewel seals and PET seals, and in an original gimmick for this model, it can transform into a twin sword mode with parts replacement! When in twin sword mode, it can be mounted on each of ShineGreymon's legs. Each of the feathers on his wings can be individually moved, and a lead wire is built into his tail for flexibility. Hard points are placed in various areas throughout his body for expandability, too. Order him for your own collection today!
- Geo Gray Sword
- Joint parts
- Stickers
- PET stickers
- Jewel stickers
- Lead wire
Official Digimon licensed merchandise