To put it simply...
Mashin Hero Wataru is a mecha multimedia franchise that first aired in April 1988, created by Sunrise and Red Company. The story follows a 9 year old boy named Wataru Ikusabe, who is magically transported to a magical realm by a mystical dragon known as Ryujinmaru. Wataru is supposed to save the magical realm from an evil, magical and demonic ruler.
Ryuoumaru from "Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru" has been made into a High Grade model kit by Bandai!
The "HG Amplified IMGN" series imagines new arrangements based on the concept of a plastic model kit, and amplies the charm of the characters. This kit's posability takes advantage of his long limbs; the forehead can be built with or without a pattern. Gloss injection molding and gold-plated parts are used to express a vivid texture; the blade of the Horyuken is gold-plated, and the original design pattern is reproduced with 3D metallic stickers. The scabbard shield is equipped with an opening and closing gimmick for the Phoenix form, and it can also store the Horyuken. The Ryuoumaru can transform into its Houou form, and a PET effect sheet is included for the Houou form! Attach the Dragon Claw on the shoulder to the included base to reproduce the Ryuga Fist!
Grab yours today!
- 3D metallic stickers
- Horyu sword
- Sheath shield
- PET sheet for effects (x1 set)
- Base
- Joint parts for base
- Stickers
- Size: 31cm x 21cm x 10.5cm approx
- Material: Plastic
Official licensed merchandise