Peace is nothing but a result of war
Gundam is a Japanese military fiction media franchise created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise (now Bandai Namco Filmworks), the franchise features giant robots, or mecha, with the name "Gundam". The franchise began on April 7, 1979, with Mobile Suit Gundam, a TV series that defined the mecha anime genre by featuring giant robots called mobile suits in a militaristic setting. The popularity of the series spawned a franchise that includes, TV series, manga, novels, video games and a whole industry of plastic model kits known as Gunpla.
Welcome the long-awaited Gundam Barbatos Lupus, an iconic figure from “Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.” As part of the “Gundam Universe” action-figure series from Bandai, a posable action figure with unique characteristics awaits you. Bandai’s distinctive hands have been newly designed, ensuring the action figure is fully posable. The Sword Mace weapon, an essential part of this figure, is also included.
This Gundam figure from Bandai features ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus.
Add them to your collection today!
- Includes the figure’s Main sword mace
- Interchangeable right hand for dynamic posing options
- Tamashii Stage exclusive joint (Note: Tamashii Stage is not included)
- Size: 16cm tall approx
- Materials: ABS/PVC
- Articulation: Yes
Official Gundam licensed merchandise