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The Wizard of Oz 85th Anniversary - The Cowardly Lion Squishmallow 10" Plush

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Follow the Yellow-Brick Road

Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz, and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others' wishes.

Squish. Collect. Repeat!

Squishmallows are made from super soft marshmallow-like, lovable plush. Their cosy polyester fibres make them machine washable and suitable for all ages. They offer comfort, support and fun! They can be used as a couch companion, pillow pal, bedtime buddy, travel mate, or a friend in times of need.

For fans young and old of The Wizard of Oz, this Cowardly Lion 10" Squishmallow is the perfect way to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of the movie that was revolutionary for its time!

Grab yours today!


  • Size: 25.4cm tall approx
  • Material: 100% Polyester
  • Care Instructions: Spot clean with damp cloth

Official Wizard of Oz licensed merchandise

Franchise The Wizard of Oz Brand Squishmallow Category Plushes Sku313464
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