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Dragonball Super follows the adventures of Goku and his friends after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again. Goku encounters beings far more powerful and defends the Earth against a powerful destructive deity. He attains the power of a god and learns his newly discovered powers under the gods of his universe. Goku travels to other universes to face more powerful opponents as well as nearly unstoppable foes.
Zenkai Series 3 is here to change the game! whether you're new to DBSCG or looking to dive back in, Zenkai decks are powerful pre-constructed decks, ready to get you into the action straight out of the box.
Grab yours today!
- Simultaneous Release of Two Starters! Including Many New Cards! - Two new starters will be released simultaneously with the launch of Z03! A chance to start fresh with a new recreation of the original series with the Z-deck and new skills with Z03!
- Inclusion of Seven Z-Cards! - Includes seven Z-Cards which is the maximum number of Z-Cards in a Z-Deck, making it a powerful Pre-constructed deck ready for the Zenkai environment right out of the box!
- Cards with New Effects Added in Z03! - Enhance the Z-Card Effects to be Expanded in Z03 with this Starter and rearrange your starter and booster to create a powerful synergy!
- A Great Opportunity for New/Returning Players to Play DBSCG! - This will be the first starter deck after the Championship Finals, providing a great opportunity to get started on DBSCG for the upcoming season!