Digimon are the Champions
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters" is a Japanese media franchise encompassing virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films and a trading card game. The franchise focuses on Digimon creatures, which are monsters living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks. Children from Earth known as DigiDestined team up with various Digimon to help save both worlds from evil.
The Digimon Card Game is a competitive trading card game - each player has a companion Digimon in the battle area to attack the opponent. Your Digimon evolves, gets stronger, and gains new power! You win by beating your opponent's security (reducing your opponent's Security Area cards to zero) and delivering a knockout blow!
This set focuses on the 13 different Royal Knights, some of the most unique and beloved Digimon! Fan favourites and like Omegamon, Gallantmon, Magnamon, Alphamon, and UlforceVeedramon are all here!
Plus, this set features the Digimon Card Game debut of Yggdrasill, the computer that manages the Digimon world!
- 12 cards per booster
The Digimon Card Game Versus Royal Knights features:
- 112 card types:
- Common: x44
- Uncommon: x30
- Rare: x26
- Super Rare: x10
- Secret Rare: x2
*This product also includes alternative art and parallel design cards from the above types.
Official Digimon licensed merchandise