Digimon are the Champions
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters" is a Japanese media franchise encompassing virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films and a trading card game. The franchise focuses on Digimon creatures, which are monsters living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks. Created in 1997 as a series of virtual pets, the creatures were first designed to look cute and iconic even on the devices' small screens; later developments had them created with a harder-edged style influenced by American comics.
This is a special Reboot Booster set composed of reprinted cards + new cards like the Japanese version! The reprints are focused on hard-to-obtain early Digimon cards along with cards that are great for tournaments! Plus all cards including common and uncommon use premium foil!
This set focuses on cards that have never been released in English before, including exclusive English* designs for cards with new English* text and alt art cards of past cards!
*Changed from cards planned for the Japanese version. The changed cards are also planned for another release.
- 12 cards per pack
- Total of 123 Card Types!
- Common: ×20
- Uncommon: ×25
- Rare: ×32
- Super Rare: ×21
- Secret Rare: ×7
Officially licensed merchandise