A Saiyan has no limits.
Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of Goku and his friends after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again. Goku encounters beings far more powerful and defends the Earth against a powerful destructive deity. He attains the power of a god and learns his newly discovered powers under the gods of his universe. Goku travels to other universes to face more powerful opponents as well as nearly unstoppable foes.
The Dragon Ball Super - TCG - Fusion World 03 Booster Pack comes with a new black deck that adds new mechanisms that further expand the strategy of the deck. Numerous new characters have also joined the game!
Of the 143 cards in total, 22 are parallel cards with different illustrations. Of those 22 cards, 3 are special reprinted cards with new thematic illustrations of highly used generic cards from the cards up to Booster 2.
A promotion code for the digital version of FB03 is also included in the package!
Dragon Ball Super - TCG - Fusion World 03 includes:
- Leader x5
- Common x52
- Uncommon x39
- Rare x30
- Super Rare x12
- Secret Rare x2
- Alt-Art Reprint x3
- 12 cards per booster pack
- 24 booster pack per booster box