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Pokemon - TCG - 2024 Collectors Chest (Assorted)

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This product listing is assorted and is for 1 (one) item only - comes in 2 possible variants. Variants are chosen at random at time of shipping. We cannot take requests or make exchanges for specific variants.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon! Here, you'll catch Pokemon, train them in battle techniques and battle them against other like-minded trainers. When you've gained some experience you can battle the Gym Leaders in each town you visit, and if you do really well, you can face off against the Elite Four and the current Champion to see if you've got what it takes to be the very best, like no one ever was.

A Treasure Chest Packed with Pokémon! This sturdy metal case contains more than a dozen special Pokémon goodies, including some not found anywhere else.


  • 6 Pokémon TCG booster packs
  • 2 foil cards featuring Scream Tail and Iron Valiant
  • 2 Pokémon coins featuring Scream Tail and Iron Valiant
  • 4 colorful sticker sheets
  • A mini portfolio to store your favorite cards
  • A code card for Pokémon TCG Live

Official Pokemon licensed mechandise

Franchise Pokemon Brand Pokemon Trading Cards type Accessories Boosters Category Trading Cards Sku307039
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